I began tweeting about how I was interested in what CM Punk's direction would be tonight, so I thought I'd write a blog 'bout it...
I’m incredibly interested in the direction WWE are going to
take with CM Punk tonight.
Last year, Punk was molten hot and WWE doused the flames
quicker than you could say “don’t screw this up.” Following his unnecessary
loss to Triple H at Night of Champions, embarrassing feud with Kevin Nash and
WWE’s continued fetish with putting Alberto Del Rio over to an audience that
just doesn’t care, CM Punk’s momentum cooled. In addition, WWE decided that
John Cena, The Rock, Brock Lesnar, Triple H and The Undertaker were all more
important and worthy of screen time and main events over Punk and the WWE
Title. That’s not to say his recent title run hasn’t been a great one. He’s had
memorable feuds and match of the night/year candidates with Dolph Ziggler,
Chris Jericho and Daniel Bryan.
Yet, its arguable that CM Punk has become everything he said
he loathed last year. His edge has disappeared and his jokes have become almost
as corny as John Cena’s. Hell, he hasn’t dropped a real ‘pipebomb’ since last
year. However, it’s interesting to note that his upcoming DVD collection is
hyped with the use of his ‘pipebombs’ and includes a synpnosis of him being
“the most unabashed, outspoken and revolutionary
champion in WWE history.” Really? That’s where tonight gets interesting
I thought that CM Punk had clearly
turned heel on Raw 1000 by attacking The Rock. This was embellished by Jerry
Lawler claiming that Punk had turned his back on the WWE Universe. However, Jim
Ross doesn’t think he’s a villain and the more I step back and think about it,
why should he be? When John Cena attacked The Rock from behind, did that make
him a heel? No. Furthermore, with a DVD set coming out AND him being on the
cover of the attitude era centric WWE ’13, it would probably be bad for
business if he was a clear cut heel. So what will he be then?
I reckon, it’ll be a bit like last
summer before he become a fully-fledged face. Tonight (hopefully) he’ll get
some of his edge back by dropping a proper pipebomb, possibly on The Rock, John
Cena, Vince McMahon and how he’s been overlooked and overshadowed. Not only
that, but remember when he called for ‘revolution’ and a change to the WWE
landscape? Well that happened for all of two minutes when himself, Daniel Bryan
and Zack Ryder were all champions. Perhaps Kevin Nash’s calls on Twitter for
Punk to lead a new version of the N.W.O actually have something behind them? I
mean, it would certainly be a shock and he could bring in people in desperate
need of some direction. Or, as rumoured last year he could bring in a group of
Indy talents to run riot on the WWE. Although, with WWE’s recent attempts at
creating stables (The Nexus, Corre) maybe that would be a bad idea.